Health Stuff TO Know
Health Stuff TO Know
🍊 Oranges & Meditation

🍊 Oranges & Meditation

Health Stuff to Know

Meditation works: Spiritually & Scientifically.

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1] Mental Health Benefits:

Know This: “Most forms of meditation engage regions in the brain that regulate attention and emotion.”

Meditation Improves:

  • Mood.

  • Memory.

  • Focus.

2] Physical Health Benefits:

Know This: “Many forms of meditation activate your parasympathetic system.”

Meditation Helps by:

As a Doctor, I want you to know this:

“Taking the position that one never needs medications or therapy is counter to the point of meditation!

Wellness is about balance, not extrema.”

Share Doctor's Note

3] You Need: “Meditation Trivia!”

For your next Jeopardy! Session —

Meditation works on “neuroplasticity.” Basically, helps in rewiring of the brain.

Meditation works on many anatomical structures. Among them: the prefrontal cortex, anterior cortex, and ventral striatum.

4] Discharge:

Transcript of the Audio Segment:

Bannister Wolfe: Hello, Bannister here. Let's continue to Think Healthy! We're going to talk about meditation. Lately, a lot of research is showing that meditation has actual physiological effects. to our body. This basically means that meditation affects the way our brain and body interact with our environment. So what does meditation actually do?

Doctor Puja: Some forms of meditation work by activating our parasympathetic system. Meditation works to activate your body's ability to calm itself down. This decreases your heart rate, it increases your focus and has been shown to reduce your blood pressure.

Bannister Wolfe: And that's Doctor Puja.

Doctor Puja: One technique that you can use- it's called Grounding. Here's how to do it. Visualize an orange. Now, imagine that you're peeling that orange. Now, pay attention to the textures, the smells, the shape of the peel. Visualize everything and that's it. You're now meditating!

Bannister Wolfe: Do this a couple of times a day. By taking a few moments for us every day, what we're actually doing is we're telling our body and mind to relax. We're literally reducing the stress that's floating in our system. And, that's always a good thing! So, find a few minutes, meditate, and we'll see you next time.

⌛ Waiting Room

Sources and Data Citations:


Dr. Puja

Think Healthy Doctor

Cya Tomorrow…

Health Stuff TO Know
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